


Trump Retaliates Against Iran

President Trump goes to social media once again regarding his dealing with Iran.

Stay Winning in 2020

Get into that “All I Do is Win” mentality by setting up some goals this year.

2020 Will Be Abundant for You

An introduction to a mental perspective called Abundance Mindset.

How You Can Contribute To India’s CAA Protests

A protest against the CAA will be held in Vancouver on Dec 20th.

Gulab Jammin'—Hasan Ranks His Favourite Indian Sweets

Hasan Minhaj takes on the challenge of ranking Indian Sweets. Can he do it?!

Kayray Announced as Cohost for the 2019 BritAsia Tv Music Awards

Filmmaker, actor and influencer KayRay will be co-hosting this year’s BritAsia TV Music Awards.

About 5X Press

Culture, community and conversation. 5X Press is the essential South Asian youth culture magazine in Canada, covering all things arts & culture, trending topics, news, & so much more. We connect our community to one another, and to the world. 5X Press is written and published in Surrey, BC, by a team of 14 writers. Edited by Interim Editor, Harpo Mander.

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