Why is it that when we aren’t able to achieve our goals, we adjust them so they are more attainable? A goal is meant to be large, imaginative, and frankly a bit intimidating. Ultimately, a goal should give you butterflies in the pit of your stomach when you think about reaching it, and the excitement to obtain it should almost have you feeling like Rocky after he got to the top of the stairs! But hold on, what was that you said? Oh right… You lack motivation and your goal seems unattainable. Well look no further, for I have a few insider tips that will help you to reach your goals one step at a time! First things first, your goal, no matter how big, must be broken down into smaller, mini goals which will not only organize the process and give you a plan to follow, but will allow you to feel a sense of accomplishment after each mini goal is met. Secondly, you must remember why this is your goal, and come face to face with why this change matters to you. If you truly understand your intentions, then staying committed will be less of a hurdle. Lastly, learn from your past! If there are certain restrictions which have previously stopped you from working towards your goal, find solutions to them before you begin your new journey! With these 3 tips in mind, you will be unstoppable in the new year, so good luck and keep winning!
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