


Tesher: A rising musician whose bringing Bollywood to Hollywood

From Jalebi Baby to international success: who is Tesher, and what's next?

Meet The Founder of Viti Vibes TV, a platform highlighting the accomplishments of local Fijian youth

5X Press speaks to Shannon Permal about her show which focuses on the Fijian youth experience.

We need culturally accessible COVID-19 information: The blame game helps no one

South Asian communities in Metro Vancouver and the GTA are being blamed for a rise in COVID cases.

The fine line between the cultural appropriation and appreciation of my Indian culture

Let's dive into the fine line between appropriation and appreciation, and find the middle ground.

Raw and honest conversations expected from Rupi Kaur’s third book, Home Body

Rupi Kaur's third book, Home Body is set to be released in November.

In appreciation of the first brown boys to get it poppin'

A letter to the first brown boys to be put on the map.

Let's talk about South Asian men's mental health

This conversation is met with hushed conversations behind closed doors for many men in our community

Welcome to the House Party: Decibel Edition

Bring your thumaks, sprinklers, uncles and aunties, there's room (and moves) for everyone!

Raja Kumari Gets Signed By Mass Appeal

The Indian-American rapper gets signed by record company owned by Nas

An ode to kobe

His legacy is something that will live within us forever. He may be gone, but legends never die.


Prateek Kuhad makes it to Obama’s top 2019 music playlist

As The World Burns, Let Grief & Hope Coexist

You’re not alone in this. I feel the weight of the world with you.

About 5X Press

Culture, community and conversation. 5X Press is the essential South Asian youth culture magazine in Canada, covering all things arts & culture, trending topics, news, & so much more. We connect our community to one another, and to the world. 5X Press is written and published in Surrey, BC, by a team of 14 writers. Edited by Interim Editor, Harpo Mander.

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