


What to expect at this year's 5X Art Party at Surrey Art Gallery

How do we create a room for people to walk through that encapsulates your creative world?

Remembering Paldi: Learning about my family through the history of one B.C. mill town

Honouring our immigration stories can help us understand our family and community histories.

Learning about the meaning of Ramadan from those who celebrate

5X Press chatted with young Muslims in the Lower Mainland to hear what Ramadan means to them.

Local film screening and panel discussion to tackle gatekeeping and racism in sport

The event will highlight a conversation with former athlete Harleen Sidhu and Dr. Sharanjit Sandhra.

In seva of Indigenous communities

What does it mean to be a Punjabi immigrant on Indigenous, unceded lands of Canada?

Surjeet Kalsey on domestic violence in the South Asian community and the need for men to dismantle the patriarchy

The writer and family therapist dives into her experience handling cases of domestic violence.

In search of an Indo-Canadian home

Mann reflects upon her experiences of belonging to a Punjabi community while growing up in B.C.

Panel discussion about the struggles of international students highlights the need for institutional and community support

Community members gathered in Surrey to discuss the exploitation of international students

UBC’s ‘Punjabi in BC’ project preserves the efforts of those who have made the revival of the Punjabi language possible

The oral history project features interviews from community members in the Lower Mainland.

‘Kaur’: The short film centering a British South Asian woman who embraces her Sikh identity

5X Press sat down with the creators to learn more about the inspiration for the film

How a local fundamentals of wealth workshop taught me that financial literacy is the bridge all women need to cross

Gina Judge’s Fundamentals of Wealth Workshop shifted my view of money

An open letter to my city: Our boys are dying, what can we do?

“I can’t help but ask myself: what could it possibly be? What are we supposed to do?”

About 5X Press

Culture, community and conversation. 5X Press is the essential South Asian youth culture magazine in Canada, covering all things arts & culture, trending topics, news, & so much more. We connect our community to one another, and to the world. 5X Press is written and published in Surrey, BC, by a team of 14 writers. Edited by Interim Editor, Harpo Mander.

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