Tension has been brewing between the United States and Iran for decades now, but the situation took a turn for the worst following the unfortunate event on Wednesday last week. Headlines all over the world reported about the Ukranian plane that was shot down in the city of Tehran, and days later it was confirmed that Iran was “unintentionally” responsible for the incident. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed that 57 Canadian’s were killed in the crash, capping the death toll at 177. Leading up to this tragic event was a week of back and forth brutality between Iran and the United States, which began to get very serious on December 27, 2019. On this day an Iranian militia group called Kata’ib Hezbollah, attacked a military base near the city of Kirkuk in Iraq, which killed and injured a large number of American’s and Iraqi’s. This was the tipping point which solidified Trump’s plan for retaliation, and on January 3rd, the Iranian Major General, Qasem Soleimani, was killed. In addition to this, Trump also ordered for the bombing of 5 different sites controlled by the Iranian militia group. Because of this, many protests took place across Iran, with thousands questioning the involvement of the United States in their country's affairs. Trump’s decision to kill Soleimani was not taken well, but as mentioned in his tweet, it is expected that Trump will continue to hold Iran “fully responsible” for their actions.

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