


Ask Manjot: Am I wrong for avoiding someone who bullied me as a child?

Our June edition of Ask Manjot tackles family dynamics and avoiding bullies

Ask Manjot: What should I do when there’s a third person in my relationship?

I found out that my husband is still very much in touch with his ex-girlfriend. What should I do?

Ask Manjot: I’m moving in with my in-laws, how do I feel at home with them?

Manjot looks at the transition to a new home for the first edition of the advice column.

Introduction: Ask Manjot

Writer and therapist Manjot Mann launches a new advice column with 5X Press

About 5X Press

Culture, community and conversation. 5X Press is the essential South Asian youth culture magazine in Canada, covering all things arts & culture, trending topics, news, & so much more. We connect our community to one another, and to the world. 5X Press is written and published in Surrey, BC, by a team of 14 writers. Edited by Interim Editor, Harpo Mander.

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