Millions currently stand in front of the Buckingham palace
Paying their respects, their tributes
As roses line the gates
But why isn’t everybody sad
Some ‘rogue’ activists and twitter users
Seem to be relieved
It must be a disrespect for old traditions
The monarchy the Queen we must not know the relevance
Kids are just so disrespectful ‘nowadays’
But it’s more than just disrespect
It is simply trauma for many
The Queen represented colonialism, genocide and mass murder
43 trillion stolen from India alone
The entire empire was built on slavery and exploitation
The Queen was ahead of her time but she left many behind
India runs in my blood and I felt the effects
The Kohinoor stolen without any regrets
Worn, adorned in many portraits
Welcomed as the head of state time and time again
Had to bow down because we had nothing left to leverage on the table
As if the table was made by the Indians, but the Queen had the only seat
Along with gold, turmeric and ‘spices’, she took our history, our culture
Kohinoor left the country with our prosperity
The richest country in the world was now left begging for alms
So why should we be sad
The Queen and her family enjoy a life of plush comfort
While millions starve
What do they get rewarded for
Why does Canada still pay taxes to them
Why doesn’t that money go to the Indigenous of Canada
Or the people of Jamaica?
Why must that castle be maintained,
Those gardens trimmed, her majesty’s suits always ironed
The Queen represents the fairy-tale we all want to believe in
The one institution that shall safeguard the people’s interest
She exists because of her lineage,
Based on mass murder, grief and hundreds of broken countries
So why must we be sad
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