As I write this with a heavy heart, on March 25, 2020, several attackers raided Gurdwara Guru Har Rai, in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing 25, injuring 8, after holding a community of 150+ hostage inside the complex. This community was again traumatized as a bomb was detonated beside the cremation site of the deceased Sikhs. This community is in danger and are being terrorized because they are a visible minority. These Sikhs are being forced to leave their hometown that they once felt safe in and are now pleading to be removed from being further hurt and eventually killed if they do not seek refuge. According to the World Sikh Organization (WSO), “without internal flight options, or prospects of meaningful integration in neighbouring countries, international resettlement is the only viable solution for Afghan Sikh and Hindu asylum seekers.”

This is where you can help—write to your MP. The WSO has made it very simple for us to do our part when it comes to helping these individuals, where we can raise awareness to engage federal politicians. By pushing the Canadian government for a direct sponsorship program for these communities and expediting pending sponsorship cases, we can save this community from being harmed any further.

Your voice matters when it comes to helping this vulnerable community. Here is how you can help and learn more about the Afghan Sikh community:

Step 1: Click here for the MP email template and more information on how you can help.

Step 2: Share this link with your friends and family to spread the word and provide these families a chance to life a life in peace.

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