Rise from your grave Waris Shah*
And write about the grief of Ranjha**
Who lost everything at the hands of love!

You placed love on the Pedestal.
Cherished it more than the mighty creator
You cannot be naive to express a one-sided tale
You have to justify his choices too

Was it just about Heer for you?
While Ranjha dedicated himself to her too
If for love, Heer swore her life
Ranjha chose the sacrifice too
Why don't you glorify his devotion?
Why don't you also dedicate the treasure of your words to him?

So Rise again from your grave Waris Shah
And talk about the grief of Ranjha

*Waris Shah: Punjabi Sufi poet of the Chishti order, known for contributing to Punjabi literature.

**Heer and Ranjha: Heer Ranjha is a famous love story from Punjab that has been the subject of various poetic narrations, the most popular being 'Heer' by Waris Shah.

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